Environmental protection

Energy in harmony with environmental protection

Environmental protection is a concept to which the Energy Consortium devotes special attention. In addition, we make sure that the energy investments implemented and designed by us meet the strict environmental protection standards. We guarantee our clients the maintenance of the highest emission standards as well as objective and reliable results of measurements of emission standards.

We have our own – accredited by the Polish Center for Accreditation – gas and dust emission measurement laboratory – Envilab-Eko, which supports our investments and projects throughout the country.


We have our own – accredited by the Polish Center for Accreditation – gas and dust emission measurement laboratory

We offer a wide range of measurements

The scope of measurements of gas and dust emissions to the atmosphere

  1. Measurement of the exhaust gas volume flow
    1. damming method for dynamic pressure >10 Pa
    2. by anemometric method in the speed range from 0.6 to 40 m/s
  2. Measurement of dust concentration and emission in waste gases using the gravimetric method according to PN-Z-04030-7: 1994
  3. Dust sampling to determine the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 dust
  4. Measurement of gas emissions to the atmosphere according to PN-ISO 10396: 2001
    1. sulfur dioxide (SO2) non-dispersive infrared spectrometry (NDIR)
    2. carbon monoxide (CO) non-dispersive infrared spectrometry (NDIR)
    3. carbon dioxide (CO2) non-dispersive infrared spectrometry (NDIR)
    4. oxygen (O2) paramagnetic method (PMD)
    5. nitrogen oxides (NOx expressed as NO2) chemiluminescent method (CLD)
  5. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) sampling according to PN-EN 1911: 2011
  6. Hydrogen fluoride (HF) sampling according to ISO 15713: 2006
  7. Measurement of the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC), total organic carbon (TVOC) by the method of continuous flame ionization detection (FID) according to PN-EN 12619-2013
  8. Sampling for the determination of metals in waste gases according to PN-EN 14385: 2005
  9. Sampling for the determination of total mercury (Hg) in waste gases according to PN-EN 13211 + AC2006
  10. Sampling for the determination of the concentration of individual gaseous organic compounds by gas chromatography according to PN-EN 13649: 2005.


How are modern ecological solutions working in enterprises?

Modern technologies as well as solutions that allow even larger enterprises to use the so-called white energy are extremely helpful in protecting the environment. Environmental protection and ecological solutions also translate into a reduction in operating costs.

That is why, although the energy audit itself has been a formal requirement since 2016, the very implementation of pro-ecological measures has a positive effect on the company’s finances. These include programs such as an energy management system, which will ensure not only the minimum emission of pollutants, but also lower costs related to energy consumption.