Carbon footprint

We offer the calculation of the carbon footprint of an organization and of a product

ISO 50001

We offer comprehensive preparation of the company for the implementation of the ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

Enterprise Energy Audit

The Enterprise Energy Audit determines to what extent the enterprise consumes energy and the condition of the installations and energy carriers.

Konsorcjum Energetyczne

Konsorcjum Energetyczne (Energy Consortium) was established in 2010 to meet the expectations of our customers who are aware of the fact that energy costs – being an important item in the annual budget – can be controlled and reduced just like any other operating cost in organizations.

We are a reliable company with an established position on the market.

years of experience



completed energy audits

measurements and analysis


Building energy audit

Building energy certificate

Thermal imaging measurements

For enterprises

CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism)

Enterprise Energy Audit

Modernization and construction of industrial boilers

CHP and trigeneration (CCHP)

Financial consulting

Energy efficiency certificates

Life Cycle Assessment – LCA

ESG reporting

Carbon Footprint Verification

ISO 50001

Carbon footprint

Feasibility studies for energy projects

EU programs

Environmental protection

Climate neutrality strategy