Let’s check and find out about your real needs
In order to determine the direction in which the company should go in order to reduce costs related to energy consumption or consumption, we conduct very detailed analyzes.
Each project is determined by the individual goals and needs of the company or facility, and has different costs.
The study therefore answers the following questions:
- how to improve the energy efficiency of a building
- whether and how to use renewable sources
- and in what part for this purpose financial resources can be obtained from subsidies and EU funds.
Feasibility study of energy projects
We plan investments wisely, according to the indicated needs, for specific goals
So if in your plans for the future you have taken into account:
- obtaining white certificates,
- execution of thermal modernization,
- construction of a modern boiler room,
- basing the energy policy on renewable sources,
with completing a feasibility study, we will successfully draw up a detailed plan for such an investment.
Feasibility study of energy projects – setting goals
To create a comprehensive energy project, it is necessary to carry out even several analyzes in various conditions, as well as to define specific goals, e.g.
- reducing energy losses both when heating the facility and necessary for technological processes
- reducing the costs of consumption or generation of energy through the use of renewable energy sources
- reduction of harmful emissions of pollutants.
An extremely useful document in conducting a feasibility study of energy projects is an energy audit, which confirms the need to implement changes at the energy management stage. The audit also indicates which technical or technological solutions are the most optimal for a given company. However, further analyzes already form the entire outline of the energy project.
The report will also take into account the financial aspect, indicating the cost of such an investment, its profitability, as well as the possibility of obtaining a subsidy.